Welcome to the section: “Thermo Donut” . Here we have various thermal breaks for the construction industry on offer. There are standard thermal breaks as well as custom made thermal breaks. They are made from the basic shapes of flat material or round material. And the basic shapes can be made from different materials: ECO, standard, non-combustible, EBHC (phenol) or wood. Most of these materials are well machinable. So you get thermal breaks in almost any size, in every possible form, made from various materials with different properties and in any quantity. All of those thermal breaks have one thing in common; a very low coefficient of thermal conductivity. See also the options (for example non-combustible), gasket and accessories (for example rubber sleeve). And we ship anywhere!
Willkommen bei der Rubrik: “Thermo Donut”. Hier bieten wir verschiedene Thermo Stopper für das Baugewerbe an. Es gibt Standard-Thermostopper oder Spezial-Thermostopper. Diese sind aus den Grundformen Flachmaterial oder Rundmaterial gemacht. Die Grundformen können aus verschiedenen Materialien hergestellt werden: ECO, Standard, unbrennbar, EBHC (Phenol) oder Holz. Die meisten dieser Materialien sind gut maschinell bearbeitbar. Somit erhalten Sie Thermostopper in fast jeder Grösse, in jeder erdenklichen Form, in sehr vielen verschiedenen Materialqualitäten und in jeder Menge. Alle Thermostopper haben eines gemeinsam; eine sehr tiefe Wärmeleitzahl. Sehen Sie sich auch die Optionen (z.B. unbrennbar), die Dichtung (gasket) sowie das Zubehör an (z.B. rubbersleeve). Und wir versenden Diese überall hin!
Info in general: Thermo Donut System spring 2020, english
Thermo Donut System 2020, deutsch
brochure / Prospekt: brochure english Prospekt Deutsch
round material, “tube” introducing tube tube materials app tube vertical 32 app tube horizontal 57 application for soffit diff appl. tube mockup tube tube tailored
flat material, properties: PropOverview2020 Prop ECO Prop Standard PropNoncomb800 chart Thermo Donut high temperature pics diff materials
accessories: docu rubbersleeve docu shims picture shims
various info: thermal bridges thermal breaks Possible Solutions Thermo Donut spec sheet Thermo example of an application 1 example of an application 2
info regarding gasket: the gasket story (see also videos!) GasketElement
renovations: renovations renovations B
pics of individual thermal breaks: pics diff tb 1 pics diff tb 2 pics diff tb 3 tube two amigos
workshop (food for thoughts): ideas 1 & 2 ideas 3 & 4 ideas 5 & 6 ideas 7 & 8 ideas anchor systems